While your body rests at night, bacteria gathers on your teeth, which is the underlying cause of plaque, tartar, cavities, gingivitis, and more. To improve your oral health at night, use these five vital tips. Don’t let concern for these potential dental issues stop you from getting a good night’s sleep; take action and prevent tooth decay and gum disease before you go to bed every night.

Brush before Bed (the Right Way!)

Everyone knows that you are supposed to brush your teeth twice a day, but why is it so important to brush before you go to sleep? Brushing at night helps to prevent gum disease, plaque accumulation, and tooth decay. If your mouth is especially vulnerable to cavities or gum disease, your dentist may recommend brushing a third time during the day, once in the morning, once after dinner, and once more right before bed. Because brushing is crucial, it is important to use the proper form. We recommend gently brushing up and down using short strokes. Start with the outer surfaces, then clean the inner surfaces, followed by the chewing surfaces.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can do more than give you fresh-smelling breath. Therapeutic mouthwashes can strengthen your teeth and treat some oral health conditions.Rinsing your mouth with one of these mouthwashes before bed can help to avert gingivitis and guard your teeth against cavities and plaque. Just make sure you are using the right kind of mouthwash. Most over-the-counter mouthwashes will only cover up your bad breath and won’t actually help to protect your teeth. Ask your dentist for mouthwash recommendations the next time you see them. Generally, our preferred mouthwash brand is Listerine.

Swap your Brush for an Electric Toothbrush

Electric brushes are more effective at removing plaque than manual ones. This is because of the rotating movement of the head and because of the ultrasonic waves they create. When looking for an electric brush, find one that is simple to use, comfortable to hold, and has an oscillating head. Our favorite is Sonicare by Philips.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Though it may not be the most fun part of your nighttime routine, flossing your teeth every night is essential. Flossing gets rid of any food particles along the root between the teeth leftover from eating while they are still soft. When the food debris remains in your teeth, bacteria growth will accelerate. If the plaque is able to harden, it will soon transform into tartar, which can only be removed by an oral health professional during a cleaning. Floss after brushing your teeth every night. If you are especially prone to oral health issues, your dentist may recommend flossing twice a day.

oral health dentist near me

Watch Out for Teeth Grinding

An increase in tooth sensitivity, worn enamel, voids on the teeth at the gum line and torn cheek tissue can all be signs that you -grind your teeth while you sleep. Your dentist can stop you from grinding your teeth by providing you with a mouth guard to wear while you sleep.A night guard will defend your teeth against the negative impacts of the grinding, including worn enamel, broken or cracked teeth, TMJ (joint) clicking and/or pain and tense facial muscles.  Most patients also sleep better when they are not grinding or clinching their teeth.

These are five great ways that you can protect your mouth and improve your oral health while you sleep. However, nothing will boost your oral health more than regular dentist appointments. To learn more about our dentist in Aliso Viejo, CA, or to schedule an appointment, contact us at Turner Dental Care today.



Dr. Turner has helped countless patients get the healthy, beautiful smile they desired. Excellent clinical work and unrivaled personal attention make Turner Dental Care the premier Cosmetic Dental Office in Aliso Viejo. Call Jenny now for a complimentary consultation at (949) 770-3294 or contact us online.

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