Tips on How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies
Dental emergencies can happen at any time. The key is to know how to handle them. The first step is to remain calm and schedule an appointment with a dental health care professional as soon as you c [...]
5 Fresh Breath Tips to Bring a Smile to Your Face
Are you struggling with bad breath? You may not know it, but your friends, family, and co-workers could. Test your own breath against your hand. Maybe you just want to make sure you make a good impres [...]
Debunking the Myths of Invisalign
If you've ever considered braces, chances are that you're at least somewhat familiar with Invisalign. Since it was first approved by the United States in 1998, 2.4 million people have used Invisalign t [...]
Need a Laugh? Funny Dental Facts You Didn’t Know
Every now and then, it's nice to step back and enjoy the funny side of your teeth. Here are some interesting (and funny) dental facts you may never have heard, courtesy of your local family dentist in [...]
Reasons to Get Your Missing Tooth Replaced
Losing a tooth is one of the exciting milestones of childhood. The Tooth Fairy flies in and leaves money under a pillow for your tooth. When you’re an adult and lose a tooth, however, it’s not a cause [...]
Invisalign: The Beautiful Way to Straighten Teeth and Smile Again!
Don’t wait any longer! Get the smile you have always wanted. Invisalign gives you the results you’re looking for with the flexibility want. Request an appointment now. What is Invisalign? [...]