The Advantages of Invisalign for Teens and Adults
The Health Benefits of Invisalign Did you know?… Two-thirds to three-fourths of adults have some degree of malocclusion (crooked teeth). Malocclusion presents many challenges to good oral hygiene. See how you can get the healthy, beautiful smile you want with the flexibility you need at Turner Dental Care.
Lake Powell- August 2009
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Gum Disease – It’s Your Body’s Problem!
Health Risks of Uncontrolled Gum Disease Recent studies reported in dental scientific journals describe some new information about the dangers of untreated gum disease. Heart Disease and Strokes:Fatal [...]
Charlie bites!
Does this ever happen at your work? [...]
What is Invisalign? How does it work?
What is Invisalign? Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option that allows doctors to straighten teeth using a series of clear, removable, nearly invisible, plastic appliances called aligners.   [...]
Implant Restorations A Quick Guide
Invisalign, Start Smiling....Today! Restore your Smile today! Call Today! (949) 770-3294 OR Implants Permanently replace missing teeth. A relatively new and exciting field of de [...]