Does Diabetes affect Dental Health?

Answer: YES…Uncontrolled gum disease and oral health issues have been proven to affect Diabetes!

Patients can dramatically improve their blood sugar levels by keeping their mouths healthy.

  • Diabetics are significantly more likely to develop oral complications resulting from diabetes, including tooth loss and gum disease.
  • Diabetics are more prone to develop oral infections.
  • Oral infections heal more slowly for those suffering with diabetes.
  • Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease increases the risk for diabetes and affects diabetic control for those already suffering from diabetes.
  • Uncontrolled Periodontal Disease causes bacteria to flow through the blood stream, affecting the entire body.
  • The consequences of untreated infections can range from loss of aveolar bone and attachment loss, to ongoing infections and inflammation that some researchers believe can drive glucose levels out of target ranges.

Diabetes Control.

Like other complications of diabetes, gum disease is linked to blood sugar control.  People with poor blood sugar control show both higher incidences of gum disease, and more severe incidences.  Additionally, chronic high blood sugar leads to more teeth loss.  In fact, people whose diabetes is well controlled have no more periodontal disease than persons without diabetes.  Children with Type1 diabetes are also at a higher risk for gum disease.  Good blood sugar control is the best protection against periodontal disease.

Diabetes and Dental Health Information

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